These are a few of my favorite photos after 90 blog posts

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This was a fun post to do. I decided that since cumulatively I have 90 blog posts since May 2010, I should upload some of my favorite photos. These photos are my favorites because they either remind me of something, like my good hair days in the self-portrait, or are attached to something that has meaning for me, such as, the photo of our table. I set this for company in the middle of a cold January 2011 and then used it for one of my favorite blogs, one about the lost art of lunch ( I decided also to put a new one in, Phoebe, our dog who seems a bit lazy until she starts sniffing food. The sunflower is probably my favorite, it looks tired, but not willing to give up, love that attitude.

2 thoughts on “These are a few of my favorite photos after 90 blog posts”

  1. Claire thanks for sharing these photos – I particularly like how you capture the beauty of nature, of living, and your statement about the sunflower. Great shot of Phoebe – heck they are all great shots.


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