#self-publishing: it all went down like this

photo August 2014
August 2014

On or about March 7, I thought about Terry Gross ‘s interview with an expert on rural broadband. The expert found the same things out about rural broadband that I did, only her point of view is academic.

So I’m think-in’ to myself, the job hunt thing is a pretty benign way to make money, so why not turn my blog into a book. At least when I’m formatting in online templates, I will be truly investing in my future. More importantly, my year of rural broadband blogging has a story arc that reflects a universal conflict, man v. man, translated in my case to woman v. corporation.

Heck, I thought, I’ll just peel this book out in a week. Well, a week morphed into about 5 months. The self-editing was arduous. Read, change, reread, change; format, reformat, upload, download, REPEAT. Not to mention, the learning curve.

I spent hours one day scanning documents for the book, only to find mobi, the language of Amazon e-books, doesn’t translate text well in photograph form. I tried a few formats but nothing worked for me. I then just took jpegs of the letter headings and typed the documents into the book. Thirty hours of my life lost.

Finally, in late July, I sent my baby out to the world. And now the fun really begins: who needs a memoir on rural broadband and what is in it for them? I’m pondering my succinct lines for that answer. Stay tuned.

All I can tell you for now: I believe my little tome is an informative, fun read that packs a few punches to a system that could use the wind knocked out of it. But I know, that isn’t a marketing plan…for that you will have to see what I discover.

from a Homestead in rural America, where the 18th century collides with the 21st